Saturday, February 20, 2010


Then people REALLY started getting into it. December 30th and 31st were banner days for #omgcabotfacts. One person in particular hammered the beloved Mr. Baer with Cabot awesomeness. I shall showcase her spectacular efforts in the next post. For now, though, the wonderful supporting efforts of those two days:


Alex Cabot has utmost respect for Matlock but she could take him in the courtroom. And in arm wrestling, too. #omgcabotfacts (~redwingx)

Voldemorts boggart is Alex Cabot. #omgcabotfacts #harrypotternerd (~LadySnarkbite)

That whole Lost Colony of Roanoke thing? Alex's fault. It was the first settlement of tweens and Alex took care of them. #omgcabotfacts (~LadySnarkbite)

#2010predictions Alex Cabot will kill someone with her brain. #omgcabotfacts (~LadySnarkbite)

An Alex Cabot a day keeps the doctor away. #Omgcabotfacts (~smartyshortie)

Chuck Norris goes to bed wearing Alex Cabot Glasses of Power & Justice pajamas. #omgcabotfacts (~ShantiSt8OfMind)

The gavel sound between scenes is actually Alex Cabot knocking together the heads of people who disobey the law. #omgcabotfacts (~smartyshortie)

Alex Cabot likes her coffee like she likes her men--ground up and in the freezer #omgcabotfacts (~smartyshortie)

I yelled Alex Cabot in a crowded theatre once. Talk about fire hazard. It made the crowd spontaneously combust. #omgcabotfacts (~LadySnarkbite)

Dirty Harry started using, "Go ahead, make my day" only after Alex Cabot said it to him first #omgcabotfacts #bubbletweetpleez? (~redwingx)

Alexandra Cabot is the only deity that every religion acknowledges and respects. #omgcabotfacts (~XaristocatX)

New games in 2010: Mafia Wars-Cabot style; World of Cabot; Courtroom Hero; Resident Cabot; Final Fantasy: Meeting Alex Cabot #omgcabotfacts (~XaristocatX)

Alex Cabot doesn't know the meaning of the word failure, she understands it as minor obstacle #omgcabotfacts (~XaristocatX)

The question "What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?" was answered when Xena met Alexandra Cabot #omgcabotfacts (~XaristocatX)

Alex Cabot was on both of Santa's naughty *and* nice lists this year. She's that good. And that bad. #omgcabotfacts (~redwingx)

Alex Cabot is a pretender. A genius who can become anyone she wants to be... #omgcabotfacts (~XaristocatX)

Previously on SVU... Langan: "I want The Cabot!" Benson: "You can't handle The Cabot!" #omgcabotfacts #afewgoodmen...sortof (~redwingx)

humpty dumpty sat on a wall humpty dumpty had great fall cos he looked at cabot and received the infamous Alex Cabot glare #omgcabotfacts (~Suniek)

Alex cabot had a little lamb everywhere cabot went st oliska was sure to follow ;) #omgcabotfacts (~Suniek)


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